Folkle Taster Nights CD Collection 2022 CD2  CD3 Wheel of Time Ceilidh Folkle Videos Facebook Nochex
Twenty Twenty Two CD

Order your copy now only £7 including P&P.  PO/Cheques to

Glynne Davies, 3 Rushton Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. SK8 6NS

 (Don’t forget your return address and Twenty Twenty Two the name of the CD), or buy from a band member at £5.

  or pay online for £7 by NOCHEX click here

Nochex is a secure payment gateway, the link above takes you to Glynne’s business

page where you can safely make a payment, in the description please state

Folkle CD and the address where you would like the CD sent and to be sure

email Glynne at

We launched ‘Twenty Twenty Two’ at Folk on the Farm 2022 when we were honoured to have our version of  A Piper to the End (Track 15) playing during a Tribute to Drew Black we also have a sample video below. Click on the images to view